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Error 0x00000709 Cannot Set Default Printer on Windows

Error 0x00000709 Cannot Set Default Printer on Windows

how to solved this conman issue

chek it


1) Click the Start button, then type regedit and press Enter 
If User Account Control comes up, please chose Yes at the prompt.

2) Follow the path 

3) Double-click Device. Type in your printer name. (The screen shot here is an example only.)
Click OK to save the change. 
Note: If you encounter this sort of error “Cannot edit Device: Error writing the value’s new contents“, please follow the steps below to set the permission of the key. 

a) Right-click the Windows key on the left side of the panel and then click Permissions… 
b) Tick the box Allow for Full Control and Read, then click Apply and click OK to save the change. 
4) Right-click UserSelectDefault and click Rename to rename it as your printer name. 
There you go! You should be able to set up your default printer now! 

thank you 

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